My Longest Minute

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My longest minute that I remember was petrifying. My day started off normal like any other day, a fresh breeze with The sun tucked behind the clouds. But after my longest minute, i concluded that Time doesn’t wait for anyone but, he was generous this day.

I was no older than six when my longest minute first occurred. It was fall of 2006, and I had decided it’d be a good idea to stay in to watch movies. So my grandmother ran out to the store to get some snacks. To kill time, we thought it would be a brilliant idea to play like we were in this big parade. The only people at home were, of course, me, my aunt, my uncle and my baby sister. My sister Maddie was four, and my aunt and uncle were 11. In this game, we were apart of the band, and we all played different instruments. My uncle led us around the house, and we threw …show more content…

And of course, the baby wanted to try to play too. So, we just gave it to her not thinking about what could go wrong. So, We continued to stroll around the house and Maddie can barely hold it but, she was getting the hang of it. And right when we thought everything was going well. Bang, she bumped into the wall with the pole still in her mouth, and there it was down her throat. Things made a turn for the worse, and I was the only one who seemed to be freaking out about it. At the time it seemed like a good idea, but, that’s where we were wrong. She was coughing up blood, and I didn’t quite understand how something so fun turned into something so violent. Immediately we reached for the phone to call my grandmother. They’re explaining to her what happened and she’s around the corner. Now at this point, i'm scared out of my mind, I thought she was dead for sure and wasn’t going to make it to the hospital. All of this happened within ten minutes, and my grandmother just went to the corner store. They put her on the sofa and gave her a cup of water, In the meantime, i ran

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