Letter Home From a Soldier in Vietnam

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Letter Home From a Soldier in Vietnam

Dear Mom,

I am doing great. Well…When I say great, I mean I'm as good as you can

be over here. This place is like a giant valley of death, that's keeps

getting filled with more dead American soldiers every day. We keep

asking ourselves the question, why are we here? Why are we dying for a

cause that's got nothing to do with us? We just don't see the point in

us being here any more. It's been 7 months since I saw you all now. I

hope you are all doing well. You take so much for granted when you're

at home you know, just little things, like the sound of your voice

telling me to get out of bed. I dream about that sometimes, but then

wake up to see the face of a drill sergeant shouting at me to get up.

The days seem to go on forever, but the nights are even longer. In the

day we just sleep and listen to music, The Doors, The Stones, Motown,

The Beatles, that sort of stuff. We basically just waste time, smoking

the hash pipe etc. Bob Hope is supposed to be coming soon, now that

would be treat.

But at night it's a totally different story. That's when the ' VC come

out to play." We spend most night out on patrol. The bastards hide

everywhere. Everyone says that 'We own the day, and they own the

night'. We just can't beat them at night, it's like they are an army

of machines programmed to come out and kill at night. No matter how

quiet we are or how many we outnumber them by, they always seem to

win. The other day 2nd platoon got 12 of their 15 men K.I.A. The other

3 aren't in good shape either. We could kill 10 of their men, to every

1 of ours that gets killed, but even at those odds, they will still

win, and we will lose. They also have the best advantage, they are

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