My Life Worth Writing About Analysis

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What makes my life worth writing about? What makes any life worth writing about? The world is filled with 7 billion people, and every single person has a story of their own. Why should my story be transcribed on paper? Firstly, I believe that my life is not any more important than the life of another, but I do think that it has value. In fact, all lives have value, and all lives are filled something that no one has ever discovered before, something that no one has ever experienced or felt. Writing about your life may be the only way another person can encounter this new thing. With that being said, my life may also be relatable to someone. My experiences may be familiar to someone else. For instance, I feel as though I am under tremendous stress as an academically competitive high school student who is also an athlete, has a job, is involved in church and clubs and, is responsible for helping out her family. This may seem mundane to some, but to another, it might be nice to hear the story of someone who experiences the same burdens and problems. …show more content…

I have so many remarkable family members, friends, mentors, and teachers who make up and contribute to my life. My story is a compilation of the stories of my loved ones. Writing about my story means writing about the people who I love and who love me. Also, I think my life is worth recording because through my life, I have touched the lives of others, and others have touched mine. I have experiences that changed my life and the lives of others that are worth reading about. I’m the sister of two adopted boys. I’ve spent countless hours at a local children’s home. I’ve loved. I’ve encouraged. I’ve been the source of someone’s

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