My Leadership Philosophy

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Being a leader is extremely important to me. Leadership defines the person I am. I Know that I am the fortunate one when I am giving back to my community .A leadership position is not me being soupier over my peers or whomever I am giving the opportunity to extend my knowledge to. It is extremely important for me to be a leader. Not only does it help other, it also helps me stay motivated to stay on the right track of success. In my community leaders are tremendously needed, ironically the last couple of years of high school I noticed that a lot if my peers as well as myself wanted to be those leaders. Nevertheless there was not anything changing, no new leaders were forming. I helped created opportunities for people to be leaders. Towards the end of my freshman year of high school a life changing opportunity came my way. At first I thought of it as just another program to put on a college resume. At the time I did not notice how much this new opportunity would have a lasting effect on the rest of my life. …show more content…

I am one of four founders of Youth L.E.A.D (Leaders Engaging Across Differences) OKC founded in the spring of 2012. Our mission is to bring our community together no matter, age, religion, sexual orientation, etc. I have grown so much from this program. Before I help create this program I was unknowingly a closed minded person. For instance if I met someone you was an atheist I would assume the worst about that person. Not ever giving myself a chance to get to know that person. In Youth L.E.A.D we take special training from professionals to not only learn but teach how to be open to all diversity in our community that is why this organization is life

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