My Leadership Model

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I was glad to learn that people see me as a trust-worthy, determined, diligent and empathic. That is what I also consider to be my strong professional sides. The question on the leadership questionnaire that I scored the lowest on was in regards to being outgoing. One of the factors on leadership trait model is extraversion. You can really think of a very few modern leaders who are not sociable and extroverts. Nevertheless, I am more reserved, due to, probably, my cultural background. It is known that people from Northern Eastern Europe (Russian in particular) show less scores on performance orientation, less achievement driven and highly focused on collectivism and relationships inside the group as well as providing support to co-workers (Northouse, 2016, p.437). People might consider me quit or shy, only because I am not loud and chatty. This is also a characteristic of my eastern European culture and the way I was brought up. Knowing my qualities, I could think of being a leader who simply leads by example. They do not tell people what to do. They do not force people to do things that they are not willing to do. They do not give loud speeches and daring orders. They do what needs to be done, inspiring their followers to do the same. A good strategy in all types of leaders, but particularly quiet leaders, …show more content…

We all can become effective leaders by becoming experts in our field, by working on our leadership skills such self- confidence, determination, ability to understand other people’s needs, emotions and goals, ability to motivate other people to achieve their full potential and more. The journey to great leadership is appearing more straightforward than ever before, and there is no deficiency of resources showing what is need to be improved to become a great leader. Leaders today have much more opportunity to learn than leaders before us. It starts by transforming ourselves, and cultivating the habits true leader should

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