My Journal Entry Of 'Who Am I' By Catherine Wells

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I had a lot to put down on the page. But due to the scale of assignment, I decided to cut it short. I was planning to write it in reverse chronological order, meaning arrange the entry from the most recent to the oldest. However, I think it would be difficult, and took too much time, for my reader to analyze “who am I” by reading one entry and referring to connect the dots. If I have time to revise this diary, I would make each entry more detailed, more vivid, and modify the language that I used when I was still 12 years old. I could also show the transition in speaking tone throughout each journal entry to demonstrate my growth as a person. --- Among the short stories that we read in class, Artie’s Angels is the one that I fall in love with. I admire the way Catherine Wells frame the characters, the way she lets Faye tells the story and makes the reader feel as if they were …show more content…

I was unaware of the “timeline” that we mentioned in-class. Some post-apocalyptic takes place before, during and after the disaster had happened. When reading the story for the first time, I saw how humans has established “radiation shields,” they have advanced technology to immigrate to another planet…etc. I thought: it wasn’t too bad! Humans are making progress to live in post-apocalyptic setting! As Professor pointed out in the comment, I did not fully realize the negative consequences of such advancements. I did not realize the social distinction that the characters are facing, did not realize the meaning of the Angels, and did not realize the meaning of Artie’s death. Since I was putting myself in the box of “post-apocalyptic,” I could not visualize the true message that Wells is trying to convey. Thus, in my RA project, I decided to look beyond the “end of the world” genre and dig deep into the hidden meaning in Artie’s

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