My Influence On Graphic Design

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As a graphic designer, I always strive to make all the elements included in my work flow together in a way that doesn't over complicate whatever message I want to convey. My goal is to take my interests—and sometimes, my experiences, and to give them purpose in my art. I want my audience to feel something from my efforts, even if they don't completely understand what it is I am going for. My biggest influences outside of specific artists are video games and animation. I've always loved the design aspect of video games, anime, and cartoons—the different worlds created to fit each storyline. Those are my biggest inspirations when working with low-poly design and color. As for artistic inspirations, I've always been fond of Alphonse Mucha and Aubrey Beardsley. I like the style associated with Art Nouveau—the little decorative details in Mucha's art, and the 'strange and grotesque factor' that I see in Beardsley's. I am also heavily influenced by music, poetry, and a love for animals. I believe that my personal work is defined by most, if not all of these interests, and that they help to make my design work truly versatile.

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