College Admissions Essay: My Passion For Art

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When you love to do something, you want to do it every day, all the time, till you get sick of it. Even then that excitement and devotion to do it is still there. That is how I feel about art. I have a great passion for it. It is a form where I can express myself in a way words can’t. Ever since I was little, I had this thing for doing whatever I wanted when it came to drawing, coloring, and such. I remember when I was in kindergarten, we would do this activity where the teachers make the students grab a bunch of crayons, and they would tell us in which direction to move them, without lifting them of the page. I never did this activity. Once they gave me the paper and the crayons, I was a goner. I wouldn’t even realize we were doing that activity. I just filled the page with color, making it look as I pleased. The teachers never told me anything because they could obviously see I loved drawing, so basically, they would let me do what I wanted during that time. To this day, this still happens. I lose myself in what I’m drawing. Everything else doesn’t matter, it’s all just blur. Now that I’m more grown, I have more of an appreciation for art. I identify more by it. I …show more content…

Each drawing. Each painting. Each sculpture. It can give you a glimpse of what is going on in the artist’s head. Take the painting “El Autobus” by Frida Kahlo as an example. It has been said that the painting is in reference of the accident Frida Kahlo had where she got impaled by a metal handrail. The painting is of a bench with people sitting on it just before boarding the bus. This kind of artwork, where the artist puts a little bit of him/her self in it is something I strive for. I want to make art that reflects me, or that means something to me. I don’t want to make something just because, I want it to be where the viewer could possibly see the hard work, the passion, the emotion behind it. Things that most times get

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