My Hero, My Dad

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My Hero, My Dad

The wind was cold and bit deeply into the skin on my exposed legs and chest. I shivered a little, shielding my face against the cold by putting my back to the wind. Standing alone on the platform, high against the background of the rest of the park sent shivers tightly down my spine. I watched the goose bumps raise neatly on my arms and legs. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, sighed out my anxieties and jumped.

I was quickly being violently thrashed about inside the fiberglass tube, working my way down the cascading waterfall of death. The water slide threw me like a rag doll in the air only to catch me again with the gentleness of Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride. This jolt sent my head swimming; ironically as my beaten and bruised body hit the pool below, I sank swiftly to the bottom. I thought, truly, that I was doomed.

I clashed with the surface of the water and suddenly found myself thinking. I wasn’t sure what was happening. I didn’t feel like I was drowning at all. Although what I had just seen and experienced ...

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