My Grizzly Bear Crisis Research Paper

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When I was twelve years old, I experienced a crisis in my life. One which I will never forget; it was the summer of 2010. And I was staying at my Grandparents acreage, fifteen minutes west of Calgary. One morning me and the neighbor boy decided to take a walk to the bottom of the acreage. I can’t remember what was said on that walk. But I will never forget what happened next. As we were walking and talking and just be in our own little world. The neighbor boy happened to look up from the ground. He stopped walking and just stood there frozen in fear. It took me a few minutes to realize. That they’re was a three-hundred-pound grizzly bear, maybe fifteen to twenty feet from where we were standing. Just pawing at the ground and digging through the ant hills. …show more content…

And it felt like an eternity before I could recollect my thoughts and decide what to do next. However, once we both grasped the gravity of the situation. We were able to think clearly. And we decide collectively to back away slowly. Eventually we put about two-hundred meters between us and the bear. We started to walk facing forwards, two-hundred meters after that, we were in a full-blown sprint.AftermathThe crisis with the bear has taught me some valuable lessons. Like the feeling of being helpless. If that bear had decided to become aggressive, there is nothing me or the neighbor boy could have done. We were both twelve and maybe a hundred pounds. Not to mention the distance between us and the bear was to close for comfort. Because before we decide to slowly walk away, I looked around to see of there was a tree we could climb. But, all the trees within

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