My Grandmother Planted These Roses Analysis

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“‘My grandmother planted these roses, and my mother tended to them, just as I do.’...” Miss. Strangeworth said this. It shows how she was in love with the roses and how they meant something to her. It made the ending make sense. “She began to cry silently for the wickedness of the world when she read the words: Look out at what used to be your roses.” Don Crane and the towns people probably wrote it. It is critical because it shows how the people reacted and how the story ends. “She slipped her letter into the slot, and two of them fell inside. The third caught on the edge and fell outside, onto the ground at miss Strangeworth's feet, She did not notice it…” This is critical to the story because it shows how she got caught with the letters. 2. The relationship between the narrator and the protagonist is that they are the same person. The reason being is because the narrator knows …show more content…

I think it influenced the readers a lot because you start to think about why her name has the word “strange” in it. You start to look for strange things she does. The towns people probably think she is a little strange just because of how nice she is to everyone. 6. The theme of this story is to not be two-faced. We said this because Miss Strangeworth was a very nice lady, but sent out mean letters to try to get rid of the evil in her town. But once the townspeople found out, the hated her and took way her most prized possession. 7. We need to believe in the possibility of evil just like miss strangeworth because there is always going to be evil in this world. The narrator wanted to show the difference between making mistakes and true evil so we know not to make the same evil decisions that Miss Strangeworth made or any other decisions that are being pressured on us. 8. We think the first quote is the theme of the story. It says that everyone has good and evil in their heart. You have the choice to use either side and who is willing to make the sacrifice for the

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