My First Week Of Broadway Artists Alliance (BAA)

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I have been very fortunate to have many exceptional artistic experiences in my life ranging from attending and performing in productions to unique training programs. As I was heading in to my senior year, I decided that I had to take an honest look at my performance skills and determine what I needed to do to take my work to the next level. Last summer I had the honor of attending three weeks of Broadway Artists Alliance (BAA) summer intensives with each week being selected to have a different major. BAA offers voice, acting, and dance majors and each week was a time devoted to honing my skills in that specific aspect of my performing while still focusing on mixing the other two in. These three weeks gave me many amazing opportunities to critically …show more content…

to 5 p.m. daily with the same group of people. I decided to major in dance during this week because I knew that it would push me out of my comfort zone. While I have had dance training and danced in shows, I have never been totally immersed in dance like I was during this week. The dancers were a very tight-knit community and the connection that we built was so strong that I’m still in contact with many of them. To me, the best part about my week as a dance major wasn’t learning awesome choreography from Broadway professionals and shows, it was getting up every day and dancing with a fantastic group of people. At the end of the week, we had our industry showcase for Broadway Agents, managers, and casting directors. I was able to do several dance numbers as well as be the lead soloist in our group musical number. At the end of the week I would say that I have much more confidence in dance and developed an understanding of what I needed to do to grow as a …show more content…

Just the idea of spending three weeks concentrating on performing in Ripley Grier Studios while great artists are auditioning and performing around you was off the charts amazing. During this time my instructors pushed me out of my comfort zone and led me to see new ways that I can grow as a performer. I really began to critically analyze my own skills and determine what I needed to do to continue to hone my craft and better myself as a performer and a person. Auditioning for casting directors was a humbling experience and they treated us like professionals with exceptional constructive criticism. All of our training during these weeks were designed to give us a true feel for what it is like to work and train on a Broadway show. Listening to lectures and performing for working Broadway actors demonstrated to us that it takes not only talent but persistence, dedication and the commitment to continually improve. For example, hearing what is required to be a working actor from the personal experiences of many successful performers, I decided that I needed to pick up more dance classes. During this academic year, I have been dancing more than ever, doing almost 10 hours a week with increased emphasis on ballet. The training from BAA has prepared me not for Broadway, but has trained me how to take the necessary steps to further my education as

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