My First SS Assessment

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As I am sure you know, today we had our first SS assessment. I unfortunately suffer from moderate to severe anxiety attacks and ADHD, which often times can really hinder my studies and more frustratingly, my ability to effectively take tests at times. This was a major issue last semester, which ultimately resulted in me performing substantially below my potential for a variety of reason. Yet, for the most part, I have been able to find a solid system to deal with it all since then. However, today during the exam I had pretty overwhelming anxiety attack as the test began, which made me freeze up and blank on a lot of the knowledge that I had meticulously studied the nights before. Considering there was only an hour to take the exam, by the time I was able to orient myself, I was already behind schedule– which only added to the anxious emotions I was feeling. Like many people, I cannot affectively express myself when I am constantly feeling the pressure of the clock running out and as a result, my final test was extremely rushed, poorly written, and nothing close to an accurate reflection of my knowledge of the material. I’m writing this email to you for a couple of reasons. The first, is that I am wondering if I should reach out to Jason and explain what happened? I have overheard him discuss issues of somewhat less …show more content…

I am well aware of the fact that BU has a specific way of dealing with academic accommodations– I tried to get it last year, but my psychological evaluation was not recently enough conducted to be accepted and it can be a very complicated and difficult process to get another one done in a short amount of time. However, I am in the process of scheduling a new evaluation for my future academic career. I am not trying to ask for special privileges or exceptions, but I am wondering if there is anything at all you can do for me to help accommodate these

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