My First Play Research Paper

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My First Play A bright stage light was shining bright. A lovely voice rang out to the audience. Every note was aced. I knew it had to be Liv singing her solo as Belle. Suddenly, the music cued and I snapped back to attention. I strolled out behind the village set with my partner and we perched down on the bench to start mouthing words so it looked like we were talking. The spotlight was shining in my face and it was hard to see. I was as blind as a bat and sadly, could not glimpse my family. It seemed we were doing great so far, even though I was super jittery. Shivers were going down my whole body and my palms were super sweaty. I was sure the whole audience could hear my heart beating. I kept thinking in my head, “I can’t believe I’m doing this! I’m so excited! I’m in the school play!” Two years ago, I tried out for my school play, Beauty and the Beast. It was my first acting experience and I really longed a main part. But, since I never acted before, my stakes of getting a satisfying role were pretty slim. I still managed to keep my hopes up though, and by the time I had to audition, I was confident I was going to get a main part. I was super shaky, but gave it my all. Afterwards, my mom told me not to be disappointed if I didn’t get in because there are a lot of people that are more talented than me. Finally, the results were in and I was …show more content…

My best friend, Liv, got the part of Belle because she is super accomplished and does all sorts of voice lessons and performs at theaters. My other friends that were in it still had great parts, but were not in as many scenes as Liv. So, we practiced for weeks and weeks until the day finally came to perform. I was so nervous, I could barely eat my lunch that day! The play ended up being super fun! In the end, we put on an incredible production and everyone that saw it loved it. My mom and dad were taken aback that an elementary school could put on a show like

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