My Favorite Wife And Michael Kanin's Scene Of Falling Back In Love

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A new marriage has ended, while an old marriage is finding its way back together. As a result, a confused husband must prove to his reunited wife that his love for her still burns like a freshly lit fire. A lost, frustrated, and confused women must now discover how to become a wife and mother once again. A broken family is finding what was once lost. While Garson Kanin’s My Favorite Wife (1940) and Michael Gordon’s Move Over, Darling (1963) have similar conclusions, Kanin’s scene of falling back in love portrays more passion and determination than Gordon’s story with no real growth or passion. In Gordon’s Move Over, Darling, the scene of mending the marriage back together is somewhat overlooked. After the judge (Edgar Buchanan) …show more content…

After the Judge (Granville Bates) annuls the marriage of Nick Arden (Cary Grant) and Bianca Bates (Gail Patrick), and determines Ellen Wagstaff Arden (Irene Dunne) legally alive, Nick and Ellen get into a disagreement about what they should do. Ellen decides taking the children to their mountain house for a while might be a good idea. This way Ellen can reconnect with her children and replace all the years she has been absent. Nick drives Ellen and the children, but when he arrives he has trouble allowing himself to let go. Nick constantly makes up reasons why he must stay and cannot return home. Then later in the movie flashes to the bedtime scene and Ellen sends Nick upstairs, he constantly comes down making up things to say on why he should stay down with her. Ellen then tells Nick that when Christmas comes they can be together, so Nick goes upstairs and dresses like Santa then bursts down stairs and says “Marry Christmas”. In this scene, Kanin shows the struggle Nick goes through to show Ellen that he really does love her. Kanin lets us see how determined Nick is to get back what was lost. Kanin leaves little room to wonder what will happen between Ellen and Nick and gives the audience the same low comedy ending we want to

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