My Father's Death: A Story Of My Life

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Silence, it is all that I hear in this house. There is not even a soul to spark a sense of joy in my heart. Utter bitterness is all that remains. I still remember the dreadful day my father died. It was as if the most valuable thing of my life vanished in a heartbeat; there was no warning whatsoever. His death was an instant pain that came to me without the remorse of god. My young life was different from the rest of the people in Jefferson, Mississippi. Love for another human being was a strange phenomenon that I could not even imagine to think about until a man came to my life. It is fascinating how anything can happen within the blink of an eye. It is impossible know when life will get better or worse in just one day. With that being said, the day my father died turned my life into an eternal abyss of pain and suffering in which I could not recover from. I just could not believe that my father was dead; it was impossible to think such a thing. He never looked so peaceful. He did not say a single word. Until I realized that he was no longer in this world, I was when everything collapsed inside my heart. People where all the sudden given me condolences due to the death of my father. I kept denying his death until men came to my house to dispose of the body. …show more content…

The only problem was that I never knew what it actually was. I never had anyone to play with to teach me those wonderful experiences. The main contributor to having a stale childhood was my father. I was not allowed to play with other children. When I grew older, other gentlemen were not allowed to take me to take me anywhere. I was not even allowed to speak to them. If other boys came close enough to the house, he would violently try to scare them away. The only people that came to my house were important people that my father knew. It was no surprise people stopped coming to give me their

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