Personal Narrative: My Mother's Death

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He was shaking. It was from the cold in his body or the pain I couldn’t tell. Mom was trying to act calm but her eyes said otherwise, She was terrified. Scientists say our brains repress or forget traumatic memories. Parts of this I forget. My Mom took him to Medstar Hospital, and she left us in the house. She said it was too late for us to go out and for us to go to sleep. We couldn’t sleep, so we worried. Couple days later we went to see him finally. He had a tube in his mouth so he couldn’t speak. We gave him a hug, cried, and asked when he would be home. He didn’t answer, neither did my mom. We left and went home. I never understood why he was sick. I never had any logical reason as to why he was in the hospital. Even though I tried to

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