My Family: What I've Learned From My Brother

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There was a dreadful vibe in the house. Everyone went their separate ways. My father went to his room to watch baseball. My mother turned on her daily soap operas in the living room, and my brother stormed into the bedroom we share. “I hate my teachers! I hate school!”, he shouted. I didn’t know what to say. I had a feeling something went wrong at Open House, but I didn’t ask for details.

As I walked to the living room, I heard my mom sobbing. She was wiping the tears with her sleeve, avoiding any type of contact with me. It bothers me to see my mom like this, so I sat down next to her and began to talk.

She told me everything that was said about my brother by teachers, crying her whole way into the story. It was something we expected, but tried so much to avoid. I wasn’t too shocked, but was still disappointed. He was the first person in my family to ever get left back a grade; someone recommended by his teachers to take special education classes.

No teacher seemed to understand Kenneth. I don’t think they ever had a chance to get to know him well. He doesn’t really give a good first impression; he barely does his work and teachers often call my house complaining about his disruptive behavior. When we transferred him out of PS. 130 [our local elementary school], it was because teachers just passed him to the next grade to get rid of him. We didn’t want him to fail, but we wanted someone to teach him discipline, besides my parents of course.

The school he’s in now is strict. He doesn’t like that, since he can’t do whatever he wants. On day one, we notified the school and his teachers about his behavior issues, his “second identity”, and the results of his medications. Sometimes when he wakes up late and drinks his 6 pi...

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... is actually the one who has taught me a lot. He has taught me that besides your flaws and weaknesses, you can still set your mind to something and do it. Kenneth has helped me, without even knowing it, to figure out my dream. I enjoy writing and because of him, I have grown an interest in baseball, so who knows what that will lead up to. In fact, he told me he will buy us a big house one day, if he ever gets drafted. These are the dreams of my little brother, who before thought he wasn’t going anywhere since he was so bad at school. He uses me as his inspiration, since I do well at school, but what he hasn’t noticed is that it’s the other way around. My brother has helped me get through a lot of my problems by telling me and showing me to never give up, never back down, and hope for the best. I know for a fact this is not the “other him”, this is the real Kenneth.

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