My Daughter Monologue

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“... a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one flesh” (Mark 10:6–8)

Dark, yet I found it peaceful and calm

My mother’s womb acted as a safe refuge for the creation of my delicate body and mind. After several months asleep in silence, I was suddenly awoken by the rays of blinding white light that shone above me. I entered the world in a rather peculiar room. White ceramic tiles tessellated the floor, baby blue paint washed across the walls, and strange looking equipment laid nearby.

I was overwhelmed by colossal, moving bodies, each with a unique expression of jubilance, some real, others fabricated. They were indistinguishable with their aqua …show more content…

Amongst all the commotion that stirred around me, a maternal figure stood out. Her love and affection radiated immensely, parting my sea of fears and drawing me closer towards her. Providing indispensable warmth and comfort, she held me tight. I soon accepted her as an individual whom I call Mother.
I smiled and giggled.

Years had gone by. Mother nurtured me solitarily, despite working long, strenuous hours at the local delicatessen to ensure that we always had enough of what we needed. We resided in a single bedroom house, situated in Baflo - a quiet, peaceful village in the Netherlands. The dwelling had been a prized possession of my late grandparents, handed down to my mother when they left.

Mother came and picked me up from school. It was a Christian school. Silent was our ride home. Her face was different, nothing like I had seen before. She did not look at me in the eyes, as if I was inflicted with the curse of Medusa. Worried and restless, tears came out of my eyes in hope that it would wash away the impurities Mother sees in me.

I knew it was wrong. I had lied and quarreled with my teacher regarding a petty …show more content…

Although perturbed, Mother began to recount the events that occurred which resulted in Father leaving us. Regardless of being short-tempered, Father was apparently a respectable, and diligent man, always expecting the best. He divorced on the day following my birth, after months in feud with Mother because she did not work hard enough to satisfy him.

Mother persevered through hard times to get the best out of me. I was convinced that it was not her fault. Encouraged by my mother’s story, I decided to strive harder towards pursuing a successful future, to repay her for all the kindness and love she has poured into me. Everything I do would be for Mother.

Light faded away and shadow soon engulfed the town. The blackout absorbed all radiance, leaving mother nature’s twilight sky to shine one last time before the sun sets. Fortunately, my mother immediately lit a candle, illuminating our house in sepia shades of brown, orange and yellow. Exhausted, I snuggled beside my mother, drifting away to

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