My Cousin 's Experience With Drug Addiction

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Drugs affect people all over the world and most of those individuals feel that they are isolated and do not belong anywhere. I think it is important for addicts to know that they are not alone and that there are many ways for them to find support, whether that is from family or treatment centers. Addiction leads to isolation, homelessness, depression, crime, and death. In this paper I will discuss my cousin’s experience with drug addiction.
Drugs have greatly affected the life of my cousin who has been an addict for the last ten years. He is 28 years old, and has been addicted to multiple substances. But the most difficult substance for him to abandon is heroin. I have watched my cousin who was once full of life and energy, become a man who is unhappy and desperate. Watching someone who is so distracted and concerned with something that will eventually kill him is incomprehensible. A few years ago he was jailed for three years and was clean during his yearlong parole obligation, however, it was easier for him to fall back into bad habits than it was for him to continue staying clean...

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