My Conception Of A Worldview

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A worldview can be defined as “a theory of the world, used for living in the world” (ASA). All people, without exception, have a worldview. “By worldview I mean the basic way of interpreting things and events that pervades a culture so thoroughly that it becomes a cultures concept of reality. What is good, what is important, what is sacred, what is real. Worldview is more than culture, even though the distinction between the two can sometimes be subtle. It extends to perceptions of time and space, of happiness and well-being the beliefs, values, and behaviours of a culture stem directly from its worldview” (Carol Hill). A worldview can also determine a knowledge, how education occurs, and politics, all the way down to …show more content…

It sets the boundaries of who and what I am. It also defines everything that is not me, including my relationships to the human and non-human environments. It shapes my view of the universe, my conception of time and of space. It influences my norms and values (Kraft, 1978, p. 4).
Unlike a philosophy, a worldview has a broader meaning and nature to it as it assess a broader scale of an issue or social challenge at a world scale. We speak of the philosophical, the socio-political, the natural-scientific, the artistic, the religious, and even the ordinary man's world-view. And this is quite natural. If we picture the various types of world-view in the geometrical form of circles, the central position should be given to the circle of the philosophical world-view
The world-view is by no means all the views and notions of the surrounding world, that is to say, it is not simply a picture of the world taken in its integral form. Not a single specific science can be identified with a world-view, although each science does contain a world-view principle. For example, Darwin discovered the laws of the origin of species. His findings brought about a revolution in biology and developed a huge interest in the …show more content…

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