My Comfort Zone Cage

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“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” -Neale Donald Walsch Every living thing has this comfort zone they force themselves to conform to. It’s a safe place, a home, a shield, and a cage. You give yourself the invincibility of social acceptance, but at the same time you hurt your personal individuality. you can lose imagination, creativity, and the ability to form new ideas. For years i tried to fit in with people whose opinions i thought would make me happy. i would dress, act, and conform my entire being in order to try and find acceptance. I somehow tricked myself into believing that the empty opinions of my peers would supply me with all the happiness and comfort i would ever want. This being my first mistake, it took me years to realize just how miserable i was making myself. I Spent so much time worried about the social standards my peers set i never had the time to even really find what i enjoy. i lost out on hobbies, opportunities, and a lot of fun because i thought it would be looked down upon. Then one day a new girl came to my school. she looked, spoke, and acted ...

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