My College Experience

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Coming fresh out of high school straight into college is very exhausting. The first semester in college is without doubt, the toughest because freshmen’s must get situated by themselves. Overall, this semester was all about making mistakes. In these four months, I have learned about the mistakes I performed during this semester. Yet, something that was difficult for me grasp throughout this first semester is that college is unlike high school. Nobody is going to “grab your hand” throughout this journey. In college, everything must be done by ourselves or else we aren’t advancing. In high school, teachers, mentors, coaches etc. accommodated students so much that students are used to teachers doing everything for them. This was one of my difficulties in my first semester in college. I had everything handed to me in high school without moving a finger and now coming into college many things have completely changed. College is all about studying and obtaining information to prepare students for the real world. I learned an abundance of knowledge all through these four months. Although, my high school did not prepare me for college, mentally and educationally, my professors have taught me the criteria and what to …show more content…

It is never too early to start building your career or voluntary experiences. Colleges offer opportunities that possess different types of careers. Becoming a part of a club or an activity can help students evade their comfort zone. Getting involved around campus can help students in the future. These entertainments and opportunities can serve graduates futures by graduating college with experience and having professional relationships. It can also impact the student educationally because of knowledge the activity preserves. Students can accommodate themselves with other students and share a positive

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