My Brother Sam Is Dead Book Report

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Wars don't help Wars have not helped; all they do is make it worse.The novel My Brother Sam is Dead by James Lincoln Collier and Christopher Collier.The book is about on how the Meeker family changes over time since the war.Family’s got torn apart mostly from the American Revolution war.There were also Clash of generations and They got torn apart because in the past the kid would want to be a patriot and the adults would not want war so they stayed loyal to the king.Now the reader will read about on how the Meeker family changes since the war.
The war didn’t destroy the Meeker family it tore them apart.”Father im not an Englishman,I am an American,and I am going to fight to keep my country free”(Collier and Collier 20).Mr.Meeker(father) is arguing with his son Sam.Sam does not want his king getting all of his taxes.So Sam is going to leave his collage and go try to go to fight.Go Sam,go.Get out of my sight.(Collier and Collier 22).Mr.Meeker was arguing with Sam because Sam was trying to steal his gun.Sam chose war over his family and this . shows on how the war teared Mr.Meeker slowly apart.

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