Music Group Synthesis Essay

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Hypothesis: Those running with music will experience a slightly higher speed increase (2-4%) than those who ran without music. While I believe that both groups will have increased speed rates on their second runs, the music group will have a more dramatic and noticeable increase.
• Stopwatch
• 40 yards on a grassy area
• Healthy participant
• Headphones
• High-energy running music (Light, San Holo, 160 BPM)
Runners are split into two groups, and both groups run a 40-yard dash twice, with an equal resting time period. In the music group, runners will run a control 40-yard dash, then take a minute to rest while listening to the song mentioned above. At the end of the section of the song, participants in this group will …show more content…

The top 8 rows represent the group that ran with music the second time, and the bottom 8 are those who just ran two normal 40-yard dashes. The average speeds, in miles per hour, show how fast the runner was going during the entire 40 yard interval. The time change shows the difference in time elapsed between the two runs, and the rate change shows how much faster the runner ran the second time around.
As expected, every single participant had a more successful run the second time around. However, there are significant differences between the two groups. First, acknowledge that the no-music group ran faster in the control test across the board. The no-music group in the first run clocked in at an average of 5.89 seconds, or 14.01 mph. By contrast, the music group’s control test runs averaged 6.12 seconds, or 13.60 mph. That is a fairly significant gap of about two tenths of a …show more content…

The time and rate changes from the first two the second run are striking. In the non-music group, participants ran even faster, with an average time of 5.81 seconds, or 14.21 miles per hour – which is about 1.4% - not a very impressive gain. The music group, however, ran their second dashes in an average of 5.80 seconds, or 14.38 miles per hour. Thus, although participants in the music-listening group had markedly slower control runs, they somehow ended up having a slightly faster second run than the non-music group. Their second runs were a whopping 5.7% faster than their controls, which equates to a change of almost 0.8 miles per

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