Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy Essay

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Abstract Munchausen Syndrome by proxy is a mental disorder characterized by an individual, usually a mother or caretaker, who creates fictitious symptoms or causes real symptoms either physical or psychological in nature to make it appear as if a child is suffering from an illness. Over the years, there has been much controversy surrounding the definition and diagnosis of Munchausen Syndrome by proxy. Other controversy is directed towards whether it should be described as a disorder, illness or listed as a form of child abuse. This paper will discuss and outline the history of Munchausen Syndrome by proxy and define how it is often used by the many interdisciplinary fields it is often discussed. In addition, a contextual example of Munchausen …show more content…

Sir Meadow, a British pediatrician and professor, became publicly known after publishing academic literature titled “Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy – the hinterland of child abuse.” This article generated extensive attention towards this new phenomenon. The phenomenon, Munchausen Syndrome by proxy, consisted of a mother’s ability to deceive medical personnel by creating a fictitious illness often resulting in unwarranted surgical procedures carried out on the child primarily to meet self gratification (Parnell & Day, 1998). The publication of this literature increased the understanding of MSBP, and created great controversy surrounding the topic including its relative impact on the medical and legal aspects of society. Although Sir Meadow generated publicity on this topic, the term Munchausen syndrome originated in 1951 by Dr. Richard Asher when he identified common factors between many of his patients and the exaggerated storytelling of Baron Karl Friedrich Hieronymous von Munchhausen in the 18th century, who was described to have had “a reputation for colorful raconteur who spun outrageous stories and wandered about the countryside to find audiences” (Gray & Zide,

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