Social Controls: The Case Of Aileen Wuornos

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A. Aileen Wuornos was born to a teenage couple. Her father was arrested for child molestation and hung himself in jail. Her mother abandoned her, and the maternal grandparents assumed guardianship. Most of western culture can agree the abuse of a child is a deviant act. In the case of Aileen, what social factors and “social controls” impeded the recognition of such deviant behavior? To understand this question one must first understand what was not in place in terms of social factors or controls to create a healthy environment for Aileen to grow up in. After being abandoned by her mother and losing her father to the criminal justice system on molestation charges Aileen was raised by her grandparents. According to “Wuornos's …show more content…

In many ways, social controls failed her as a young child and the aftermath exposed her to a cruel and abusive upbringing. In most instances, when all parents are unable to take custody of their children any immediate and available family will take the child to prevent the child from becoming a ward of the state. It is clear this social control failed Aileen, because placement in her grandparents home only meant a childhood of physical and mental abuse. This instance impedes the recognition of deviant behavior on her part because from an outsider's perspective she grew up under the support of biological family. To unknowing outsiders, she did seemingly grow up in the broken system of orphanage. The control theory helps explain Aileen’s upbringing and its impact on her own mental health and deviant behavior. “Control theorists state that people conform because of the controls or restraints to which they are subject” (13). It seems as though Aileens upbringing caused her to conform to the violent mannerisms she witnessed as a child. Beyond this, the theory explains that “the control exercised by these people [institutions like family] explain why most out-of-control infants …show more content…

She claimed self defense stating in the documentary duing a court order, “first female serial killer is not what I am and I am not even near it and my confessions prove it” (CITE). From the learning theory comes a term deemed “Neutralization”. Neutralization is an attempt by the offender to buffer the severity of their actions. It’s a learned behavior and thus is categorized under the learning theory which has been adopted via observation of their surroundings. This neutralization is an attempt to redistribute blame away from the offender. While all claims of rape Aileen mentioned are valid ( we can never know for sure because her victims are dead) a pattern of blame starts to form through her dialogue. According to the FBI, “The term ‘serial killings’ means a series of three or more killings, not less than one of which was committed within the United States, having common characteristics such as to suggest the reasonable possibility that the crimes were committed by the same actor or actors.” (CITE). By definition of the word, Aileen was in fact a serial killer. However, while in the end admitting to the crimes, Aileen held strong to the idea that she was in fact not a serial killer, “Lee Wuornos insists she is not a serial killer and did not stalk her victims or plan her crimes” (DOCUMENTARY CITE). We see Aileen used neutralization in 2 main forms,

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