Multicultural Leadership Case Study

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Final Exam

1. Why should leaders have multicultural and global perspectives? Consider the tertiary dimensions, or those that are common to peoples of certain countries or nations.

Leaders should have multicultural and global perspectives for several reasons. Leaders should be able to overcome personal bias of those from other countries and eliminate any cultural ignorance by understanding cultural stereotypes. It is important to understand cultural uniqueness and building relationships between different cultures. This can be done by becoming more culturally aware, appreciating each other’s differences, and by learning of each other’s similarities.

A way to gain cultural awareness is by putting oneself in another cultural shoes. By acquiring cultural awareness, it becomes easier to appreciate the differences between each other. An example of a cultural difference is the differences in high and low context. In countries like China and Japan, they appreciate high context. They focus on communicating indirectly and nonverbally. They focus on a person’s tone, facial expressions, and body language. Whereas in Western Culture like the United States or Great Britain, there is a higher focus on low context. Communication tends to be more direct, …show more content…

As the class ended, I feel that we all accomplished being able to think outside of the box. We learned the value and importance of being more socially mindful. By being able to more mindful of the other people around us and the lives they have lived, we are able to understand where other people may becoming from or why they have the opinions that they have. Overall, the class has truly been an eye opening experience and has instilled new values within myself about how to handle people that will cross my

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