Mr. Dursley's Were A Truly Normal Family

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The Dursley's were a perfectly normal family. Mr. Dursley was big and beefy, while Mrs. Dursley was a tall, thin woman, their son Dudley was in the Dursley's opinion the best boy. Mrs. Dursley greatly disapproved of her sister and her husband, the Potter's. Mrs. Dursley pretended she didn't have a sister. The Dursley's didn't want their son to meet the Potter's son. The Potter's were anything but normal. On a gray Tuesday, Mr. Dursley was on his way to work when he saw several strange things. At first he saw a cat reading a map, he saw people dressed in cloaks whispering together. During work he did miss the owls that were flying by the window. On his way back from lunch, Mr. Dursley saw more people in cloaks, but this time heard the, whispering …show more content…

The houses are Slytherin, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw. Ron and Hermione got Gryffindor. When it was Harry’s turn the hat said he was difficult and said he would do great in Slytherin but decided on Gryffindor. Then they ate a huge dinner. After dinner Dumbledore gave a speech warning everyone to stay out of the third floor corridor on the right side. Then everyone sang the school song. All first years were led to their dorm rooms and went to bed. The next day whispers followed Harry everywhere. While he was trying to find his class. On the first day Harry got on Filch’s bad side. Filch is the scary care taker. The third day he got to breakfast without getting lost. Then the mail came, tons of owls flew overhead dropping mail. Harry got a letter from Hagrid asking to talk to him at three. Harry’s next class was potions where he found out Professor Snape hated him. At Hagrid’s, Harry saw a clip from the Daily Prophet. It said that an unknown witch or wizard broke into Gringots. It was reported that nothing was stolem. The paper also reported that the vault was emptied the same day. When Harry asked Hagrid about it Hagrid grunted and didn’t meet his eyes. After Harry left, …show more content…

They got to Fluffy to see Snape already got past. Harry started playing the flute Hagrid have him for Christmas and they jumped down the trap door. They landed on a plant that started to ensnare them. Hermione lit a fire and got rid of the Devil’s Snare. When they reached the next room it was filled with keys that were flying with wings. Harry got on a broom andcaught the right key to unlock the next door. Once they hurried through the door they saw a huge chessboard. They needed to win to get across. In the end they won but Ron was hurt. They had to go on anyway. Next was a riddle. Hermione solved it, they got the right potions. Hermione went back while Harry went forward. Harry got to the next room to see Quirell. Quirell explained that he was the one trying to kill Harry. Then Harry was caught in ropes. Quirell faced the mirror but someone else spoke. The voice seemed to come from the back of his head. It said ‘use the boy’. Harry looked in the mirror and saw himself with the stone in his pocket. He checked to see if the stone was there. Then Quirell took off his turban to reveal Voldemort on the back fo his head. When Quirell tried to attack Harry he was burned from Harry’s touch. After multiple attacks Harry passed out but Dumbledore saved him. Harry woke up in the hospital wing with loads of candies. Dumbledore was there too. He told Harry

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