Angel Heart Cinematography

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When watching a film what you witness as a viewer is really happening in the world of the film, or so one thought. When watching a film an audience member think seeing is believing, just because you see something does not mean it is actually happening. In Angel Heart (1986) directed by Alan Parker what an audience member is witnessing is not necessarily actually happening in the scene or even in the film. Alan Parker used thematic montage sequences to show the audience multiple things happening once that did not always make sense. While Harry and Epiphany were having intercourse the rain that was dripping into the hotel room turned to blood. The Harry and Epiphany did not react to this which made the audience think it was not happening, but at the same time confused about what was actually happening in the world of the film. During this scene there was a thematic montage that showed not only Harry and Epiphany but also showed a voodoo ritual and the woman covered in a black cloak scrubbing blood off a wall. After Harry and Epiphany are done having intercourse the scene returns to normal. The hotel room no longer has blood all over it another reason the audience might get the hint this might not be a true representative of the events that …show more content…

Which then makes the audience think about what they witnessed through out the film. The hotel room with blood dripping maybe that did actually happen. That could have been when he was murdering her. Harry did not realize he was the murder until later on, we were seeing this story through his view point in some ways. The audience was following him. Maybe the blood dripping was his way of making sense of the blood during the murder he did not know he was committing. The audience will try to make sense of the events of the movie by first trying to figure out what really happened. The audience was as in the dark about everything as

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