Mr. Clean Magic Eraser

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The Mr. Clean Magic Eraser magazine advertisement advertises that “he fights dirty no matter how dirty dirty is”. The ad shows the cartoon, muscular, bald, hoop-earring wearing “Mr. Clean”, the embodiment of the brand, arms crossed over a spotless white t-shirt. The advertisement goes on, stating that “no matter where they are, tough messes don’t stand a chance when Mr. Clean’s Magic Eraser is part of your clean routine.” Above Mr. Clean, the advertisement shows the Magic Eraser cleaning up three different stains- food, magic marker, and soap. The ad strongly relates the tough, masculine Mr. Clean to cleaning up tough stains. It’s interesting to see that a cleaning brand utilizes an extremely masculine figure as their spokesperson. According to Kristin Hall’s article “Selling Lysol as a Household Disinfectant”, “house-work was to be thought of no longer as a chore but, rather, as an expression of the housewife's personality and her affection for her family” (Hall 63). Keeping a clean household was integrated in a …show more content…

Clean’s Magic Eraser is shown to be a versatile cleaning product, able to completely rid of messes and stains. However, an emphasis of disease-ridden messes aren’t focused on; instead, the advertisement shows more typical messes of a 21st century household, such as marker stains and soap residue. The life or death germ aspect is absent from today’s cleaning advertisements.“If women failed to protect their families, not only would they feel intense guilt, they would also be deemed inefficient housewives for being unable to stop supposedly preventable diseases from harming their families” (58). The advertisement doesn’t make using the Magic Eraser a life or death option, but it does put an emphasis on keywords such as “tough messes” and “clean routine”, implying that if a person wanted to keep a clean household, they must use the Magic Eraser in a routine

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