Repatriation Essay

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In the past few decades, the world has experienced heightened globalisation. During this period, organisations have prioritised setting up leaders capable of dealing with the ever-increasing involvedness of running their global operations. Overseeing global talent along with career paths is consequently a decisive challenge in lots of multinational organisations. Individuals as well as organisations perceive International assignments as a constructive way of developing global occupational competencies (Brewster & Suutari, 2005).
However, repatriation is one aspect of international assignments that has been somehow overlooked. Most literature on international human resource management (IHRM) for the most part focuses on expatriate settlement in the host country of assignment. Not as much of the required concentration has been focused on preparing expatriates for homecoming, notwithstanding the facts regarding the complexity of settling back at home and reports that nearly all expatriates are unhappy with the repatriation process. In view of the fact that the world is becoming more integrated leading to more global deployment of employees, the repatriation process calls for added attention (Furuya et al 2007).
This paper delves into the repatriation process. It critically evaluates the issues and processes involved in repatriation together with the relevant aspects of the expatriation life cycle. First, I define international human resource management (IHRM).
International Human Resource Management
International human resource management (IHRM) refers to “an extension of human resource that relates to having people working in a foreign country.” Peltonen (2006) defines international human resource management (IHRM) as a branch of ...

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...atriation difficulties, using videos, upon returning home. Then the session turns to live discussions and suggestions on how to cope (Black & Gregersen, 1999).
In the present day organisations are expanding their operations to different countries of the world. They therefore need people to work there “expatriates”. Once the international assignment is completed, the expatriates have got to go back home, the process of repatriation begins. Even though most expatriates and managers presuppose that the repatriation process will be easy seeing as the employee is just returning home, research has substantiated that this is a tricky process. There is indication that it could be more difficult to adjust to the home environment as opposed to adjusting to life in a foreign nation. Therefore, repatriation process ought to be considered keenly (Baruch et al 2002).

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