Motion Capture Cameras

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Motion Capture cameras are retro-reflective cameras used to help capture body motions in order to study the movements in space, also known as kinematics. Motion capture cameras can capture at 1 million millisecond intervals, making frames as high as 1,000 per second. There are two types of motion capturing cameras, 2-D and 3-D. Two-dimensional motion capture occurs when only using one motion capture camera. 2-D only incorporates the X an Y coordinates. When using more than one camera the Z coordinate is incorporated, making it a three-dimensional motion capture. Motion capture can be fairly cost effective when using only one camera and a computer to digitize the film into sequences of different frames. Then one can compare the videos and frames with other videos to help discover and form ideas to improve and further the knowledge on motion in space.
Three dimensional motion capture requires more than one camera to create depth in the motion being performed. A good example is eyesight. If someone where unfortunate enough to only have one eye they would be unable to see the 3-D depth in motion. Having two eyes allows for depth in motion when seeing, which is similar to the idea of using two cameras in order to fully capture the depth in motion. One of the few techniques discovered and used in 3-D motion capture is Direct Linear Transform (DLT). Using the idea that, images from the cameras are determined by their placement to discover their distances, equations could be formed and used. Test subjects wear reflective markers to allow the cameras to follow their movement and motion through space. These reflective markers are placed on certain joins and parts of the body the researcher would like to study. The reflective markers ca...

... middle of paper ..., 2013). If motion capture could be used to further this research it could be a huge advancement in understanding what actually creates the most accurate and powerful shot.
If motion capture is able to help produce the most accurate and powerful shot, after analyzing and collecting data from multiple lacrosse athletes, it could potentially improve the game. Some athletes could attend a sports program to produce the “perfect” shot. They would be taught how to exactly position their arm muscles, torso and joints to follow through with the swing of the stick creating the best motion of the ball. This study could potentially be a huge advancement in the game of lacrosse, furthering the popularity of the game. It could help advance the overall background of neuromechanics to the game. Furthering the research on motor control and biomechanics in the game of lacrosse.

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