Mothers Milk

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Most men would say looking at a woman’s breast sends a rush of adrenaline though their bodies boosting their sex drive. How about a woman who is nursing an infant ? Not so appealing to the sex drive is it. When I look at this advertisement depicting a woman holding her baby tucked tightly to her breast thoughts of nurture, love, and sacrifice are all I see. This simple but meaningful photo of a baby holding a cookie could be one of the most inspiring things a pregnant woman sees during the last trimester before her baby is delivered. This advertisement which is geared to sell Oreo cookies has delivered as message that reaches much farther than its designer ever intended it to it could change the world. Let’s just pretend for a moment we don’t live in the age of technology we are in 1950 to be exact. If this exact advertisement was out in the world during that era, many of our grandparents would have held massive campaigns to over throw the cookie industry. The manufacturer of Oreo would have lost millions of dollars in lawsuits leading the company into bankruptcy. Our grandparents...

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