Moral Theme Of Macbeth

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“That but this blow. Might be the be-all and the end-all — here, But here, upon this bank and shoal of time, We 'ld jump the life to come.” This is a quote from Macbeth thinking about murdering Duncan but avoid all the consequences. Through out the play of Macbeth there are a lot of themes that come to play. Some of the theme include good vs evil, the power of evil, temptation and guilt. Each of these themes fall right into each other. Macbeth never understood the limits of what he was doing. He just let his greed take over him. Macbeth had on thing on his mind and that was becoming king and nothing was going to stop him. Each of those themes are showing Macbeth in his true colors as a person. “Fair is foul, and foul is fair” the witches are …show more content…

Many people can fall into this trap. When they do something they know is not correct but got a good outcome from it, they start to think its okay to do. Macbeth killed Duncan and got away with it. Not only did he get away with it but he got the Duncan’s position as king. Macbeth became very greedy and only thought about himself and how he is going to get the the top. After killing Duncan he started to think that people thought it was him that killed Duncan. He then ordered them to be murdered. According to The Psychology of Power and Evil “Creating opportunities for diffusion of responsibility for negative outcomes; others will be responsible, or it won’t be evident that the actor will be held liable.” That is one of ten Steps to Creating Evil Traps for Good People. That is exactly what Macbeth fell into. He want to diffuse the situation by having all those people killed not by him but by murders thinking that it will cause less problems for him. That did not end up happening. Its made everything much worse. It made Macduff and Malcolm think is was him even more. The power of evil lead Macbeth into doing very evil things and not thinking about any of the consequences. He was being very greedy. The powder of evil came tempt people to do a lot of different …show more content…

Before my body I throw my warlike shield. Lay on, Macduff, And damn 'd be him that first cries, "Hold, enough!”” They are Macbeth’s last words. He never saw what he did was wrong. He said he going to fight until the end and he is going to win. He just kept making everything worse for himself. Good vs evil, the power of evil, temptation and guilt were themes that where seen through out the play. Macbeth thinking it is not the right choice to kill Duncan was him trying to be true to himself and not letting evil take over. Those thought ended overcoming him and evil took over. That what the power of evil can do to someone. Those thoughts eat at you. In Macbeth’s case he just saw one thing and that was becoming king. Which lead into him temptation of wanting to be on top started to control him. He knew if he did also those murders that he would be secure and he will stay being the king. Macbeth never really felt much guilt. He did in the beginning but at the end he turned more evil. Lady Macbeth felt a lot of guilt to the point where she slept walked and let all of her guilt out. The real Macbeth is coming out through all these themes. The greed, evil Macbeth that does not care about anyone but himself and how he going

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