Guilt In Macbeth

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In Macbeth by William Shakespeare guilt is the major theme throughout the play. In the play there is a handful of life changing events that happen and things begin to fall apart because of Macbeth. Macbeth makes choices that he ends up paying attention the price. When Macbeth heard from the three witches that he was going to be King one day triggered his selfishness. At first Macbeth is forced to make a decision he does not want to make, which then leads him to make those same choices on his own. Macbeth feels guilty throughout the book due his actions of killing Duncan as a result of his desire to be King. Once Macbeth kills King Duncan he begins to kill other people which creates this monster in Macbeth. People then begin to hate Macbeth …show more content…

Guilt is a feeling that could end up eating you alive in a mental way. Guilt is something you feel when you regret having done something that you knew was wrong in the first place. In Guilt in Macbeth by Cassandra Nelson she says “Guilt can mean both the responsibility for a crime and the state of mind produced by committing one”. Cassandra talks about how guilt is linked to the responsibility of a crime but it is also produced by your mind when you commit a crime. There is has been at least one time that we did something that we shouldn’t have and we begin to regret it later. For Macbeth his guilt starts when he kills King Duncan. Before Macbeth found out he was going to be king one day three witches walked up to him and Banquo and told them their future. For Banquo his prophecy was that he was that was going to be great but less than Macbeth. But he will be happy because he will be the father of kings even though he will never become a king. However for Macbeth the three witches told him that he was going to be named Thane of Cawdor and king one day. Lady Macbeth then catches word about Macbeth’s prophecy and convinces Macbeth into inviting King Duncan over to kill him. When it

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