Moral Evils, Evil, And Evil In Non-Believers

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The question of evil is a common topic among non-believers. Evil has existed since the beginning of time. In today’s society people have become so desensitized to evil, the true origins become hard to understand. God gave us each the free will and ability to choose right from wrong, although many of God’s creation continue to choose sin. The Holy Bible explains to us the nature and root of sin. This explanation helps us understand why bad things happen and how it might affect our relationships with the Most High.

In the beginning, the Fall of Man began when Adam and Eve heeded not the Word of God but that of the serpent, and ate fruit from the forbidden tree. Due to their actions they were cast out of the garden of Eden into a sinful world ashamed and having to provide for themselves (KJV, Genesis 3). These actions have left believers and non believers pondering God’s actions towards man kind.

Consequently, the actions of Adam and Eve have opened the doors for the two types of evil we see today, moral and natural. “Natural evil is the consequence of moral evil” (Elwell,...

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