Monsanto's Reputation Paper

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Monsanto’s, corporate reputation is currently poor. Aside from reports of bulling and bribery, the company also faces issues concerning safety, anti-competitive practices, environmental and health concerns. According to (2016), “today’s leaders know a thing or two about reputation. First, they know that building a strong one that people recognize and believe in takes time and effort. Moreover, that effort requires a deliberate and proactive strategy, attentive risk management, commitment and attention, just like every other tangible business asset. Additionally, they also know that one misstep can wreak havoc on an established reputation—something that can take years to repair” (p.1). For example, the chart below shows that …show more content…

Consequently, Monsanto must have strategic planning for the overall sustainability of the business. Furthermore, its strategic planning should include customer service, essentially, without customers there is no business. Furthermore, Monsanto is seen a bully who throws its weight around, surprising farmers on their lands and demanding an examination of their crops. For example, Bennett & Kaskey (2014) says that, “the company has sued farmers, a practice that accounts for much of its reputation as a corporate bully. Monsanto says these suits are rare-250,000 American farmers buy its seeds every year, and since 1997 it has sued 145” (p.5). Although Monsanto argues that they only sue those who try to regrow Monsanto seeds, instead of paying full price for more. Nevertheless, what customer wants to do business with a company like that? Additionally, Monsanto is not great …show more content…

Monsanto needs to “reinforce the company’s position as a thought leader on important topics; strengthen the corporate image with the public and key stakeholders; enhance the visibility of important messages, issues and products; augment press releases, websites and speeches with compelling facts and identify new stories to tell the public” (p.1). Cures for diseases and famine would be an excellent platform for Monsanto. The company claims that it is working on seeds that have the potential to stop heart disease. There are thousands of people who die of heart related diseases every year, a cure delivered through Monsanto seeds would strengthen the company’s image. Additionally, famine is a phenomenon which is happening in the world today. However, there are a few countries that refuses to accept biotech seeds from Monsanto, this is because the company has not accomplished enough transparency to alleviate environmental and health concerns. Moreover, the company could go into details, through press releases, websites and speeches to explain the soybean seeds that Monsanto believes could, stop heart disease—and protect the environment. Monsanto needs crowd-pleasers like this to get past its image problems (Langreth & Herper,

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