Monsanto Case Study

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Monsanto is one of the biggest companies behind genetic food engineering and for years have been able to sell their crops to farmers of all kinds around the world. Today they have over twenty products, which can be bought from their website anywhere from Roundup Ready to genetically modified corn and soybeans. They claim to “help farmers grow a sustainable crop so they can be successful, produce healthier foods, increase the fiber in animal feeds, while also reducing agriculture's impact on our environment”. Their home page is brightly colored, depicts happy farmers and promises to end world hunger. It tells the government and public what they want to hear not what they need to hear. Monsanto offers farmers a wide range of corn, soybean, cotton, wheat, canola, sorghum, and sugar cane seeds. They are genetically modification resist herbicide applications or ward off pests. Although it sounds beneficial, the long term issues are devastating to not only to the environment but to the whole human population. If the plants are resistant to herbicides and pests they could eventually be able help bugs (or pests) evolve and become able to resist against even the strongest GM plants. If this happens small farmers, who support themselves on only what they grow, could be ruined from a single infestation and nothing could save all of their hard work. Monsanto is getting bigger and is now supplying their genetically altered crops to over 70 different countries including the U.S., Canada, Mexico, and China. That’s over three quarters of the world’s food dominated by one company. They can control everything from the prices, to the farmers crop itself. Without any say, farmers from around the world are forced to pay whatever Monsanto wants because... ... middle of paper ... ...ation event that caused lawsuits from farmers who wanted nothing to do with Monsanto’s GMOs. If Monsanto’s product is found in any field they have a right to take over the crop as a result of their patient. So even if the corn naturally cross bred and spread into a farmer’s field it’s still considered Monsanto’s property. In conclusion, Monsanto is destroying the genetic integrity of most naturally grown foods, ruining the life style of many small farmers who depend on their crops to make a living, and are stealing money from people who have Monsanto’s corn on their land just from natural cross breeding of plants. The public needs to hear about what Monsanto is doing. Their website seems perfectly happy and makes them seem super good and environmentally friendly but that’s what is made to do. They only tell you what they want you to hear not what you need to hear.

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