Moller-Maersk Group Case Study

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Abstract Moller-Maersk Group a multinational company that deals with the shipping of onshore and off shore commodities, has to be one of most highly successful companies to date. The contributed success of the company ties directly into the human resources department as a whole. As a matter of fact, many organizations credited this company for laying the foundation for best known practices. Management of Talents in the company has resulted in increased efficiency and overall growth in the company. Training needs are handled by the Human Resource department, thus ensuring that the workforce in the company is well rounded and equipped with the right knowledge to make them survive in this competitive world. This paper will allow some explanation …show more content…

The appraisal method is when they observe employees job duties that portray certain traits and behaviors and results-based. The appraisal method used should meet the company’s goals and needs. For example, the appraisal method that works best for management system of Maersk Customer Service is results based best management appraisal system for Maersk Customer Service is results-based. The evaluation of employees performance can be measured by how many deliveries were timely, the loyalty of the customer and meeting customers’ demands. When using a graphical rating scale, this allows the evaluator to use the scale to pin-point a level that a particular trait, behavior, or performance is displayed. Rating forms are useful to connect job performance and integrate performance scales, to certain jobs. The rating scale is set on a continuum ranging from low to high, least effective to the most effective, excellent to poor. Graphical scales range usually between five to seven points. Numerical scales are used to evaluate performance. With these rating scales, these are assigned a numeric value assigned to an adjective 1 through 5. 1 one scales is needs improvement to 5 on the scale being

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