Module 5 Critical Thinking - Santoro

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The Shewhart Cycle is a process by which a leader can gain and maintain control of essential aspects of a project as it progresses from conception through completion. Developed by Dr. Walter Shewhart, the process consists of four distinct steps. Though it has a beginning, the process continues to loop and repeat itself until the end of the project. There are four steps in the process. They are plan, do, check, and act. During planning, the leader determines the requirements for success as well as the obstacles which may be encountered along the way. All essential information is gathered and organized into tasks and timelines. The “Do” step is where action is taken on the tasks identified earlier. Special monitoring during this step will ensure that the tasks are understood, properly resourced, and accomplished. Through checking, the leader can ensure that performance is meeting standards and that adjustments can be made as appropriate. Act, or execute in accordance to the plan. If it is a good plan and carefully monitored, the project should go smoothly. (Clark, 2014). Ho...

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