Mistakes Of Disobedience

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Disobedience is a valuable human trait that promotes social progress. Because of insubordination and defiance, disobedience has been an advance to our society. You can learn from the mistakes of disobedience, it could inform policy, and could also be a verbal way to voice your opinion on things. However, others may view a different perspective and believe that disobedience isn’t necessary to get things done. Disobedience is a positive way to gain wisdom and make better decisions. We as humans aren’t usually aware of the things we do, we say, or our actions. For instance, many people run red lights and stops signs which is illegal, but happens to often when people are in a rush tor work, have an emergency, angry, impatient, etc. Although, it’s not intentional, a traffic ticket is given to those who disobey these guidelines. You can learn from the mistakes of disobedience. …show more content…

Colin Kaepernick, San Francisco 49ers quarter-back, had eagerly drug himself into contention by refusing to remain standing for the playing of the National Anthem in challenge what he esteems are wrongdoings against African Americans and minorities in the United States. The Kaepernick protests have spread beyond football, bringing more individuals not related with sports to stand up for what’ right. Because of this Kaepernick is now a free agent quarter -back and is being punished for expressing his political beliefs. For this reason, refusal to support the American flag will be considering a proposal that would prevent players from kneeling during the National Anthem according to NFL Commissioner Roger

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