Should NFL Players Be Allowed To Kneel

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Should NFL players be allowed to kneel during the U.S. National Anthem? 49er’s quarterback, Colin Kaepernick, started a protest against the discrimination against people of color in America by kneeling during the U.S. National Anthem at one of his team’s football games. People are now disputing over whether it is okay or not to kneel/protest during the the national anthem. The current U.S. president, Donald J. Trump, believes it is impolite, and kneeling is “disrespecting the [U.S.] flag” (qtd. in Kenny). I think people should, indeed, be allowed to kneel during the “Star Spangled Banner” because they have the right to protest, and the problem they are protesting against is relevant and important. NFL players (and all people in general) …show more content…

President Trump said kneeling during the Anthem is “disrespecting our flag” because they aren’t standing and acknowledging the freedom American veterans fought for. Although, Donald Trump, and others, just see the act as opposing the norm, and causing trouble instead of a stand against a greater problem. The opposers believe the protest is useless and just a way to cause unnecessary drama and separation in the country. Except, these protest are extremely necessary! No one was doing anything about the discrimination in the country, and it was going on for way too long. The country needed this raise of awareness. As Amy, a Guardian reader, stated, “being forced to stand at attention with a boot on your neck isn’t patriotism, it’s tyranny.” In other words, Amy was insisting that Trump forcing Americans to stand during the national anthem isn’t making them show the patriotism and nationalism the Anthem is talking about, it is just an example of Trump being a tyrant. If President Trump forces Americans to stand, he is disregarding all the patriotism and democracy America stands for by making people stand for something they don’t believe

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