Miss E's Nutrition Case

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81 year-old, female, who lives alone in public housing and who makes financial ends meet on a fixed income comes into the Nutrition Wellness Center today, seeking a nutritional assessment and counseling. Miss E has some health concerns and complains of difficulties to chew and swallow, tiredness and weakness and sudden weight loss. Client states that she is currently not taking any medications but wonders if she should be taking a daily vitamin supplement due to her recent health status. Miss E currently lives alone and lacks the support from family and friends. She lives in an apartment that is equipped with a two-unit cook top for a stove and a small refrigerator and very little storage space. Due to her fixed-income, Miss. E shops twice …show more content…

Chronic disease can be a major contributor. Many diseases, such as cardiac disease, renal impairment, and malignancy contribute to inflammation that can lead to significant loss of muscle mass.8 In addition; many diseases may prompt the prescription of restrictive diets that may not always be necessary. Overly restrictive diets may be unpalatable or difficult to follow, leading to a decline in oral intake and, eventually, malnutrition.9 Functional status changes that limit ability to perform activities of daily living such as cooking and shopping can impact an older adult's dietary intake. Significant psychosocial changes that also may occur with aging (e.g., depression or simply eating alone), as with the loss of a spouse, can lead to a dramatic decrease in oral intake. Changes in finances also can impact the ability to purchase adequate food” (Malnutrition In Older Adults - Today's Dietitian Magazine, 2017). I believe nutrient deficiencies that Miss E is lacking in her diet are nutrients of Calcium, Iron, Vitamin B, D, Fiber and Potassium in which affects the development and overall good health of older adults. Older adults need more calcium and vitamin D to help maintain …show more content…

Increasingly in the diet/disease debate, the role that micronutrients play in promoting health and preventing noncommunicable disease is receiving considerable attention. Micronutrient deficiencies are often common in elderly people due to a number of factors such as their reduced food intake and a lack of variety in the foods they eat. Another factor is the price of foods rich in micronutrients, which further discourages their consumption. Compounding this situation is the fact that the older people often suffer from decreased immune function, which contributes to this group’s increased morbidity and mortality. Other significant age-related changes include the loss of cognitive function and deteriorating vision, all of which hinder good health and dietary habits in old age”(Nutrition for older persons, 2017). After assessing Miss E’s physical, socioeconomic and psychological conditions that are affecting her nutritional status today, I would recommend that she apply for a nutritional program called SNAP through the state to alleviate some of her struggles with purchasing better quality foods for health. In addition, as her nutritionist assistant I would design a suitable five-day meal plan for Miss. E to start on of 1600

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