Minimum Wage

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Most people do not dream of working the rest of their lives on minimum wage, but this is the harsh reality for many Americans. Minimum wage was set for workers, so they will not get under paid. Over the recent years, people are wanting to increase the minimum wage to put more money in their budget. That it will help bring people out of poverty and into a middle class citizen. Thus, this might be possible, but many say not without some serious consideration. There will be many consequences with increasing minimum wage. Although increasing minimum wage will give workers more money, minimum wage should not be increased because it will increase prices, cut jobs, and hurt national budget. While some may feel increasing wage will create additional financial issues, others feel that increasing minimum wage will give workers more money. The national minimum wage in the United States is $7.25. Employees and lawmakers feel that increasing the minimum wage to $10.10 will help boost the economy. The increase of minimum wage will bring people out of poverty and will be able to stimulate the economy by buying more items. This will help the nation pay back more debt and bring in more revenue for the country. Besides a positive effect with the nation as a whole, it will help workers financially. For example, by working thirty years with earning only minimum wage, some workers will benefit from increasing minimum wage. They can finally pay off old debts and loans since they will have more money in their pocket. Also, they will be able to pay bills on time and not have to pay a late fee. An increase in minimum wage will allow them to have additional money to buy items they need. Another way increasing minimum will help people is more independence ... ... middle of paper ... ...n more money into welfare to make up for loss of business. The nation will have to support businesses who go bankrupt due to them not being to afford paying employees. In addition, the nation will have to support small business trying to grow and expand. Therefore, increase in minimum will hurt the budget due to more money having to be put in programs and cause the nation more debt. Minimum wage increase will have a negative effect. Businesses will have to cut jobs or increase prices, so they will stay in business without losing any money. Also the nation’s budget will hurt due to more money going into different programs of unemployment and bankruptcy. Though others feel that an increase of minimum wage will cause workers to have more money in their pockets, minimum wage should not be increased because it will increase prices, cut jobs, and hurt the national budget.

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