Minimum Voting Age Essay

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Minimum Voting Age: Should it be lowered? Have you ever wanted to do something that you felt was important and could change the world around you, but it was just out of your reach? Many teenagers feel this way about voting. The minimum voting age should be lowered to 16 instead of 18 because if you are old enough to get a job, be a primary caregiver, and pay taxes you should be considered eligible to vote. (Gillespie) While many believe that 16 is too young to make a big decision like this, young people have many adult responsibilities that grant them the maturity needed to be successful in the electoral voting process. The only argument against 16 year olds voting is that they aren’t old or mature enough. However, children are put into …show more content…

According to the American Association of Caregiving Youth, about 1.4 million children between the ages of 8 and 18 are caregivers nationwide. This is a vast responsibility that requires shrewdness. (when kids are caregivers) In an article from CNN, they state that about 4.7 million teenagers have their own jobs now. This seems to be a very large and growing number considering that most teenagers are thought to be irresponsible and immature. In fact, in 2015 the teenage unemployment rate decreased to 18.1% when just a year earlier it was near 21%. Even though 18.1% is still an immense number, the decrease in unemployment shows that most teenagers do want to work and contribute to society. (Gillespie) While age is a factor in voting, this is not the case when it comes to paying income tax. Many teens who only earn the minimum payment will still have to file for income taxes. Even small part time jobs such as, babysitting, house sitting, dog walking, and even lawn mowing are considered as self-employment. When you are considered to be self-employed, you are then required to pay taxes. (the five most significant things your teen needs to

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