Millennials Essay

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Do millennials have what it takes to succeed in the workforce? Every generation will have its pros and cons. The current generation is millennials and people are not sure if they can handle a career. Millennials are ready for the workforce because they know what they want in a career, what kind of benefits work for them, how things need to change for the better, the reputation that has been created and how generation gaps can be part of how the millennial generation is perceived.
Ask a millennial what they want in a career and they will give you a clear cut answer. Millennials value what they do and want a job that fulfills a purpose this is according to a study that was done by Employee Benefit Research Institute from business management …show more content…

A tv package can give you 1,000 channels, but if a family only watches two hundred of the channels then they are wasting money on something that they do not use. This is the same idea millennials have with benefits. According to an article called “The millennials require a new approach to benefits,” there was a study done named the Met Life study. This study was done to see what benefits millennials are looking for. “96% of millennials said that they want comprehensive healthcare. 58% said that they want more training and development. Along with this study other important factors over 50% were flexible hours and retirement funding.”(business management daily) These benefits show that millennials know what they need for the future. They want training and development that is going to improve their performance because they seem to be used to the idea that they must do their best and try their hardest. Training and development may help improve the workplace and help them with their personal goals as well. Also, some millennials have grown up during the recession and know how important preparing for the future can be. They have considered this because one of the top qualities they are looking for is retirement funding. Along with these percentages another proven benefit that millennials are looking for in a job is flexibility. Part of this may be due to parents trying to balance work and …show more content…

For example, people are still growing in their 20s. They are figuring out how to deal with stress and their brains are not fully developed says Kathryn Tyler in the article The Tethered Generation. Millennials know that they still need guidance just like everyone does from time to time. The millennial generation is not perfect and makes mistakes, just as previous generations have. Everyone appreciates time off to have time to enjoy life, while working hard to pay bills. “Elspeth Reeve said in 2013 It’s like doing a stud on toddlers and declaring those that have been born since 2010 are Generation Sociopath: kids these days pull your hair, pee on the walls, throw full bowls of cereal without even thinking if the

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