The Benefits Of Millennials

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Millennials are well on their way to redefining the “American Dream.” In a world where they have to constantly exercise critical thinking to financially survive the debts the average Millennial life incurs, suggesting that their reluctance to fall into the status quo will hurt them is a stagnant, inflexible view. It only hurts those entrenched in a narrow worldview limited to one accepted lifestyle and standard of living. To this life, Millennials are thoroughly disillusioned. They’re causing all these economic ‘problems’ because they aren’t buying into the hazy suburban complacency that the traditional dream represents. It’s not just that it costs too much to get there, it’s mostly that it’s hardly achievable. Contemporary high school is less of a system for education as it is an Olympic triathlon. Students must jump through every well-nigh arbitrary hoop, competing against each other for the most scholarship money based on the right opinion said in the right words. Who was in the most meaningless clubs at the same time? Who happened to attend a school with the most extra-curricular activities or AP courses? When school – that …show more content…

They want financial freedom from their debts and their bondage to hourly work. They want spiritual freedom from corporate materialism and working for companies they don’t believe in. They want the freedom to work hard doing what they love, rather than working hard simply to pay for a comfortable living arrangement. Many Millennials are now graduated from college and facing the impenetrable job market. And instead of choosing to fight for the ridiculous, and oddly demanding dream of their parents, they are seeking a humbler way to develop communities and construct society - and in less expensive communities, they are finding interesting ways of achieving

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