Millennial Fashion Essay

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A Taste of Elegance

This chapter will show the value and importance of fashion in our society, which is the main subject of this research. It focuses on the significance of fashion in terms of defining what society called as the ideal beauty standard, especially in the concept of beauty from Filipinos and the modern day fashion that millennials are trying to attain in order to answer the real purpose of keeping up with fashion trends to reach the expected beauty standard. This also relates to the claim in stating how fashion attempts to make everyone similar. People want fashion so that they can differentiate from other groups so that they fit in with their own social group or class.

On Beauty: What is Fashion
Beauty, in fashion …show more content…

The best remains one of the earliest: Fashion by Georg Simmel. It is probably the only true attempt at a general theory of fashion. And although this paper is over one century old (it was published in 1895), it is not yet out-of-fashion. Millennial fashion, it is the fashion of a modern generation. Millennial fashion is about being comfortable while being beautiful to the naked eye. For them, fashion is about shoes, accessories, make ups, ear piercing or body. In our generation, some of the younger or older women know how to apply make ups, knows how to dress properly and they know how to carry themselves so much fashion, not just women also men. They also fashion centered, Teenager right now is more mature than adults when it comes to fashion. By mid-2010s, many of the fashions from the mid-1980s and mid-1990s returned, clothing such as midi-skirt, denim jackets, knitted sweater, boat shoes for men and etc, Came back to fashion while fashion pieces like chokers gained prominence once again. Men’s Fashion also started to move away to the rock or Hip-hop influenced styles of the past two decades and started to define a new style for men. The 2010s hairstyle was often defined by loose waves for women and slick-back hair for men. While beauty trends include having an emphasis on the lips, and contoured cheeks, nude color palettes were also prominent for Make

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