Military Sexual Harassment Essay

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The Army Sexual Harassment and Assault Response and Prevention program (although called by another name early on) has been around in one form or another for many years. The Growing rate at which Soldiers and civilians deal with daily Sexual harassment or assault, led the Army to create the program many know today as SHARP. There are many instances of Sexual Harassment or Assaults in today’s Army. There are cases that were merely intent versus impact, several where alcohol related, some cases founded and some unfounded. In the most recent Department of Defense Annual Report on Sexual Assault in the Military it was stated that there were “6,083 reports of sexual assault involving Service members as either victims or subjects throughout fiscal …show more content…

When a Soldier walks into a training session and does not even see, their own NCO’s receiving the same training, how much stock do you expect for the Solder to take? How much value do you think the Soldier sees in said training? Let us compare it to a Soldier who is counseled for poor performance on an Army APFT but the NCO Counseling is out of shape himself, or has not been seen taking an APFT in three years. Soldiers today more than ever need social proof before they believe something. We are a show me now generation, and if you want Soldiers to take SHARP Serious they must first see leader …show more content…

Male Soldiers feel comfortable around one another when the female is not around, and feel that in that environment it is ok to make the sexist jokes. In their minds “the guys just get it,” they do not realize that there could be one male Soldier in the crowd who is uncomfortable and now alienated. Another great example Victim advocates see all the time is how SHARP has turned into a joke. Almost every Victim Advocate can share a story where they heard a Soldier say something inappropriate, but follow it up by saying “SHARP”, or see someone slap another soldier on the butt and say “Good Game” as if to say it is ok to be inappropriate as long as you say SHARP or Good Game. It is these cultural norms, that if not erased will continue to perpetuate the lack of change in the

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